Jersey A2/A2 Milk Cow


Almond Joy

Date of Birth

July 2, 2014

Photos / Videos we can explain that cows appearance in the video in the slideshow: She's in the video at left during: 0:44-1:12


“Almond Joy” is a healthy A2/A2 Jersey cow that was born right out in the pasture here on the farm. She delivered a heifer on September 21, 2016, and is currently in milk. She was in heat on November 10, 2016, and ran with our A2/A2 bull, Austin. As with all of our cows, we don't feed them any grain (just a handful of non GMO organic corn for the milking parlor intro). Our pastures are Certified Organic and when we have to buy hay, we buy only Certified Organic hay. You may notice in some of the photos that we use Locust posts for our fencing. Our animals are not exposed to anything pressure treated. We never spray for weeds. Our goals are healthy pastures and healthy animals. You won't find a more gentle, well-behaved, good-natured, smart Jersey cow out there. Almond Joy has been on a halter from a very young age and walks easily when on a lead rope. She is a loving mother to her own calf and will nurse other calves as well. She hand-milks nicely and has no problems being hooked up to a milking machine. She gets along well with other animals like dogs, cats, chickens...and kids too (cute little noisy animals that they are).


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